Advocacy Forum
Advocacy Forum (AF) is a leading non-profit, non-governmental organization working to promote the rule of law and uphold international human rights standards in Nepal. Since its establishment in 2001, AF has been at the forefront of human rights advocacy and actively confronting the deeply entrenched culture of impunity in Nepal.
- Address: Nepal
- Phone: +977-1-4415789, 4004007, 4004008
- Fax: +977-1-14426698
- Email: info@advocacyforum.org.np
- Website: https://advocacyforum.org

APDP - Jammu and Kashmir
Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons
The APDP was founded in 1994, when large number of parents used to visit the High court to file or to pursue the Habeas Corpus petitions. The relatives used to take the individual efforts in a disorganised manner.
The association has no political affiliations or political positions. It is an independent group seeking justice from the state.
- Address: India administered Jammu and Kashmir
- Phone: 0091-8803929741 / 0091-9419013553
- Email: p_imroz@yahoo.com.in
- Website: https://apdpkashmir.blogspot.com

Asosiasaun HAK - Timor Leste
The HAK Association
- Address: Timor Leste
- Phone: (+670) 3313323
- Email: info.asosiasaunhak@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/AsosiasaunHAKTL

Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights
The NKHR is, a non-profit, non-governmental, non-religious human rights organization founded by human rights activists, intellectuals and North Korean defectors in May 1996.
- Address: South Korea
- Phone: +82-2-723-1672
- Fax: +82-2-723-1671
- Email: nkhr@naver.com
- Website: https://nkhr.or.kr

Conflict Victims' Society for Justice
Conflict Victims' Society for Justice (CVSJ) Nepal was established in the early 2000s by a group of victims who sought to redress abuses committed against them by state security forces and the then Maoist rebels. The CVSJ network enabled those who were afraid of reprisals from state security forces and the Maoists to band together and advocate local and federal institutions for their human rights..
- Address: Nepal
- Phone: +977-1- 4003555
- Email: conflictvictimsociety@gmail.com
- Website: https://cvsjnepal.org

Defence of Human Rights
Defence of Human Rights is an organization that provides legal aid, psycho-social accompaniment, economic support, campaign, and lobbying for policy recommendations regarding the issue of enforced disappearances in Pakistan to victims of torture, through active engagement with the stakeholders.
- Address: Pakistan
- Phone: +92 51 551 1686; +92 313 5223183; +92 301 5240550
- Email: dohrpk@gmail.com, chairpersondhr@gmail.com
- Website: https://dhrpk.com

Families of Victims of Involuntary Disappearance
The Families of Victims of Involuntary Disappearance (FIND) is driven by its steadfast search for truth and justice for the thousands of principled and committed activists who have been forcibly disappeared through decades, thus transforming family members of the disappeared to become human rights defenders (HRDs) themselves.
- Address: Philippines
- Email: natl.find@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/FIND.NATL

Families of the Disappeared
- Address: Sri Lanka
- Phone: 0094 312221604
- Fax: 0094 312221604
- Email: fodlanka@gmail.com
- Website: https://right2lifelanka.org

Indonesian Association of Families of the Disappeared
- Address: Indonesia
- Phone: 0062 21310060
- Fax: 0062 21310060
- Email: kembalikan@yahoo.com
- Website: https://www.ikohi.org

Justice for Peace Foundation
JPF works towards the goals of greater political will within government to address human rights and justice issues, greater pressure through concerted action from various sectors of society and greater protection for those seeking justice.
- Address: Thailand
- Phone: 0066 29759975
- Email: angkhana_nee@hotmail.com / tubjit_moi@hotmail.com
- Website: https://wgip.org

The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence
KontraS, established on March 20, 1998, is a task force formed by a number of civil society organizations and community leaders. KontraS deals on the issue of abduction and disappearances, and also handles various forms of violence that occurred both vertically in Aceh, Papua and East Timor and horizontally such as in Maluku, Sambas, Sampit and Poso.
- Address: Indonesia
- Phone: 0062 21 3926983 / 3928564
- Fax: 0062 21 3926821
- Email: kontras_98@kontras.org
- Website: https://kontras.org

Odhikar (Rights)
On October 10, 1994, Odhikar (a Bangla word that means ‘rights’) came into being with the aim to create a wider monitoring and awareness raising system on the abuse of civil and political rights. The principal objectives of the organisation are to raise the awareness of human rights and its various abuses, on the one hand and to create a vibrant democratic system through election monitoring on the other.
- Address: Bangladesh
- Phone: 008802 9888587
- Fax: 008802 9886208
- Email: odhikar.bd@gmail.com
- Website: https://odhikar.org

Relatives Committee of the May 1992 Heroes
- Address: Thailand
- Phone: 0066 29948513
- Fax: 0066 29948517
- Email: kongkanit@kongkanatat.com