What's Happening
10 dicembre 2015 – Nel giorno dell’anniversario dall’adozione della Dichiarazione Universale sui Diritti Umani, la Federazione Asiatica contro le Sparizioni Forzate (AFAD) condanna con forza ogni forma di violenza da parte dello Stato, che sistematicamente viene commessa nei confronti dei propri cittadini in tutte le parti del nostro pianeta. Lo sfrenato perseguimento della ricchezza e del progresso per pochi, avviene a discapito della sofferenza di milioni di cittadini deprivati dei propri diritti. Anche in questa occasione, AFAD promette di lavorare costantemente al fine della promozione e della protezione dei diritti umani, con una specifica attenzione al diritto per tutte le persone di non essere soggette al fenomeno delle sparizioni forzate.
Dal momento dell’adozione della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani, il rapimento e il conseguente allontanamento di decine di migliaia di madri, padre, mogli, mariti, figli, sorelle, fratelli e amici dai loro cari e dalle loro abitazioni è continuato imperterrito. Il Gruppo di Lavoro sulle Sparizioni Forzate dell’ONU riporta di 42.889 casi ricevuti, che coinvolgono 84 Stati, un numero destinato tuttavia a salire, se si contano tutte le altre situazioni di sparizioni forzate non regolarmente denunciate. La continuazione di questo deplorevole fenomeno ha fatto sì che le Nazioni Unite adottassero un documento specifico: la Convenzione Internazionale per la Protezione di Tutte le Persone dalle Sparizioni Forzate. Infine, il giorno 30 agosto, è stato proclamato “Giorno Internazionale degli Scomparsi”.
10 December 2015 - On this 67th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) condemns all forms of State violence that are systematically committed against peoples all over the world. The global structure that perpetuates wealth and progress for the few comes at the price of the suffering of millions— of peoples displaced, dispossessed and made disposable. On this occasion, AFAD vows to work fully for the promotion and protection of human rights, with emphasis on the right not to be subjected to enforced disappearances.
Tens of thousands of mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, children, sisters, brothers and friends have been snatched away from their loved ones and from their lives since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (UNWGEID) reports of 42,889 active cases it has received from 84 states, a number that only foreshadows thousands of other cases that have not yet been reported. This global malady had urged the United Nations to adopt the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances and to officially recognize August 30 as the International Day of the Disappeared.
2015 October, Odhikar Human Rights Monitoring Report
Odhikar believes that ‘democracy’ is a form of the State and that freedom and human rights are its foundations. Democracy is not merely a process of electing a ruler; it is the result of the peoples’ struggle for inalienable rights, which become the fundamental premise to constitute the State. Therefore, the individual freedoms and democratic aspirations of the citizens – and consequently, peoples’ collective rights and responsibilities - must be the foundational principles of the State.
Press statement on all souls’ day
Joint Statement
Families of Victims of Involuntary Disappearances (FIND)
Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)
English Version
With no tombs or columbaria to visit, the families of the disappeared who are members of FIND gather every year on All Souls’ Day at the Bantayog ng mga Desaparecido at the Baclaran Church grounds to pray, offer flowers, light candles, and share memories of the sterling lives and martyrdom of their missing loved ones.
Today, these poignant memories are mocked and dishonored by Bongbong Marcos who insists that the best administration was that of his father’s as he glosses over the existence of some 100,000 victims of human rights violations during the Marcos regime. Among these, FIND has documented 882 victims of enforced disappearance, with the number of undocumented cases believed to be much higher.